孔院微课堂 | 元宵节来啦,你吃汤圆,还是元宵?

——from Confucius Institute official account

元宵节 Lantern Festival


The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, also called the "Shangyuan Festival". On the 15th day of the first month of the lunar year, which is also the first full moon after the Chinese New Year, the Chinese will celebrate this special occasion by eatingYuanxiao (or Tangyuan), appreciating lanterns, and solving lantern riddles.

北汤圆,南汤圆 Yuanxiao in the North, Tangyuan in the South


At the Lantern Festival, people in North China eat Yuanxiao while the South eatTangyuanYuanxiao and Tangyuan are similar in appearance, but there are certain differences in the way they are made, filled, flavored, and eaten.


灯会 Lantern Show


In some regions of China, large-scale lantern shows are held on the night of the Lantern Festival, examples include: the Qinhuai Lantern Show in Nanjing, the Yuyuan Garden Lantern Show in Shanghai, the Qianmen Lantern Show in Beijing, and the Zigong Lantern Show in Sichuan.

灯谜 Lantern Riddles


Lanterns are usually made of bamboo or wood frames, paper or silk covers, and candles or light bulbs for light sources. At the Lantern Festival, people paste riddles on the lanterns for the amusement of those appreciating lanterns.

中国古代情人节  Valentine's Day in Ancient China


In ancient China, the Lantern Festival was a festival of national revelry. On this day, men and women would go out to attend lantern fairs and parades, many of which were recorded as poems and paintings throughout history. In contemporary films and TV dramas, both romantic and heroic stories often use the Lantern Festival as the backdrop.

1.诗作 The Poems

qù nián yuán yè shí,


huā shì dēnɡ rú zhòu.


yuè shànɡ liǔ shāo tóu,


rén yuē huánɡ hūn hòu.




Last Festival of Vernal Moon,

The blooming lanterns bright as noon.

The moon above a willow tree,

Shone on my lover close to me.


Written by Ouyang, Xiu (1007-1072)

Translated by Yuanchong, Xu

zhònɡ lǐ xún tā qiān bǎi dù,


mò rán huí shǒu,


nà rén què zài, dēnɡ huǒ lán shān chù.




But in the crowd once and again
I look for her in vain.
When all at once I turn my head,
I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.


Written by Qiji, Xin (1140-1207), 

Translated by Yuanchong, Xu

2.画作 Paintings



3.影视作品 The Film and Television Works


Dream of the Red Chamber


Water Margin


The Longest Day in Chang'an


The Story of MingLan


Legend of Nine Tails Fox


Chinese Paladin 3


Palace of Desire