【中文联盟-精品课程】八段锦 Baduanjin Exercise


Baduanjin Exercise



Baduanjin is an independent and complete set of fitness exercises, which originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and still plays a role for thousands of years. As a traditional sports project, Baduanjin  is  popular among Chinese language learners and lovers of traditional Chinese culture in international Chinese education. Li Tingkui, associate professor of Physical Education College of Jilin University, was specially invited by Northeast Center for International Chinese Language Education of Jilin University to make a series of videos of Baduanjin teaching. Each lesson lasts about 10 minutes, explaining one action in detail, which is innovative in design and easy to learn. It is explained in Chinese and presented with Chinese and English subtitles. This video can help Chinese teachers teach in class and help teachers and students learn by themselves. Welcome to the Baduanjin course and feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture.





3.第一式 两手托天理三焦

4.第二式 左右开弓似射雕

5.第三式 调理脾胃须单举

6.第四式 五劳七伤往后瞧

7.第五式 摇头摆尾去心火

8.第六式 两手攀足固肾腰

9.第七式 攒拳怒目增气力

10.第八式 背后七颠百病消


Course Syllabus:

1. Overview on Baduanjin

2. Basic body shape and preparation
3. First movement: Two hands holding up the sky to smooth San Jiao.
4. Second movement: Move arms like drawing bows both on the left and right.
5. Third movement: Raise one arm to harmonize the spleen and stomach.
6. Fourth movement: Look backward to eliminate five fatigues and seven illnesses.
7. Fifth movement: Shake the head and sway the buttocks to extinguish fire in the heart.
8. Sixth movement:Two hands hold the feet to strengthen the kidney and lower back.
9. Seventh movement: Glare and punch to help the liver Qi flow smoothly.
10. Eighth movement: Lift your heels seven times to rid all illnesses.
11. Complete exercise with full set of movements

