一、注册新账号- Register new acoount
- 点击注册-click to register
2. 输入个人信息,点击下一步- input personal information and click next
3. 邮箱确认,点击GET CODE,获取验证码。-Confirm E-mail, click GET CODE
4. 登录邮箱,输入邮箱收到的验证码,点击下一步Retrieve the code sent in your E-mail copy and input it. Click next
5. 设置密码,密码要求是不少于8位的数字与字母的组合。-Set password, password should be a combination of at least 8 numbers and letters
6. 注册成功。-Registration successful
二、登录已注册账号,进行报名- Log in your account and register
- 输入账号和密码,登录已注册账号。-Log in with your credentials
- 点击在线申请,进入申请页面。-Click Online Apllication
3. 依据下列步骤选择招生项目和专业。- Select the enrollment project and major according to the following steps
5. 填写个人信息,上传申请材料:-Fill in your personal information and upload required application documents
- 护照首页;(如无护照可用本国身份证件扫描件代替)-First Page of your Passport, (if you do not have a passport use copy of National Id)
- HSK成绩;(在“其他”栏上传)-HSK results(all levels ) and Upload in the “Others”
- 推荐单位推荐信。(在“其他”栏上传)-Upload Recommendation Letters
注:报名页上除①②③外,其他材料为非必传项,可用空白文档代替-In the registration page , except ①②③ other materials are not mandatory so you can just upload empty word documents.
6. 填写完毕后提交申请-Submit Application after filling.
三、联系方式-Contact Information
如果在申请中遇到问题,可以通过以下几种方式联系我们:If you have any problem during application you can contact us via the following ways:
祝大家来华留学一切顺利!Wishing Everyone Success in their study in China.
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